The Russian Embassy in Madrid, via Twitter, has mocked the operation led by the judge Aguirre, dubbed ’Operation Volhov’by the Civil Guard, by publishing a statement in which it claims that ’two zeros are missing from the number of soldiers’ that Russia was going to send to Catalonia. Meanwhile, it is publicly announced that the Igualada-based company Events, owned by businessmen Roc Aguilera and Toni Fuster (two of those arrested), is under investigation for its possible participation in the installation of a concert stage at the border of La Jonquera during the protests against the 1 October referendum sentence, organised by Tsunami Democràtic.
2 November 2020
Information of Civil Guard’s investigation on Volhov Case leaked to Spanish press
2 November 2020
The case against the mayor and pro-independence municipal councillors of Reus is dropped
29 October 2020
The Russian Foreign Ministry states that speculation regarding the deployment of 10,000 Russian soldiers to assist Catalan independence is ‘exceedingly absurd’
28 October 2020
The pro-independence left accuses the Government of the Catalan Government of espionage
28 October 2020
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