28 October 2020

The pro-independence left accuses the Government of the Catalan Government of espionage


According to information published in La Directa, the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Catalan Government (CTTI) are supposedly behind the supplanting of the identities of several people from organisations such as the youth groups La Forja and Arran, the Sindicat de Llogaters (Union of Tenants) or the student union SEPC in order to obtain internal information from these organisations. The legal support organisation, Alerta Solidària, announces a lawsuit filed by La Forja’s spokesperson, Lluna Berlanga, who is among those impersonated, as well as a lawsuit filed by La Forja itself. Berlanga’s case has been admitted for trial before the Ninth Examining Magistrate’s Court of Barcelona.

Post 834
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