28 September 2021

The State Attorney’s Office requests 14 and 13 years of disqualification, respectively, for the mayor of Ràpita, Joan Caparrós, and the deputy mayor, Albert Salvadó, for the 1 October referendum


The State Attorney’s Office requests these penalties in the context of the case being carried out before Investigating Court number four court of Amposta, at the behest of the Prosecutor’s Office, for the involvement of Caparrós and Salvadó in the organisation of the 1 October referendum. The penalties requested by the State Attorney’s Office in its indictment exceed those of the Prosecutor’s Office, given that it accuses them of the crime of prevarication in addition to that of disobedience. Both accusations also call for fines. Caparrós had already been summoned to testify in 2017 as part investigation carried out by then State Attorney General José Manuel Maza of the 712 mayors who supported the 1 October referendum. The same court is further investigating Civil Guard agents for the police charges at la Ràpita on that day.

Post 973
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