1 July 2019

The Suprem Court queries the CJEU about the immunity of Junqueras and the General Court of the EU refuses to grant Puigdemont and Comín the precautionary measures they had requested


The General Court of the European Union refuses to grant the precautionary measures requested by Carles Puigdemont and Antoni Comín in order to be able to attend the inaugural session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg the following day. They had requested the application of these measures as part of their appeal against the decision of the outgoing president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, not to recognise them as MEPs. Puigdemont and Comín appeal the refusal to grant the precautionary measures before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Meanwhile, the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, which has yet to rule on Junqueras’s appeal against the decision not to allow him to attend the ceremony to declare allegiance to Constitution, also asks the CJEU for a preliminary ruling in relation to the scope of an MEP’s immunity, specifically regarding the moment in which MEP status, and with it the parliamentary immunity provided for in the treaties, is gained.

Post 649
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