President Carles Puigdemont, Clara Ponsatí and Lluís Puig are appealing ‘in reform,’ i.e. before the judge Pablo Llarena himself, against their prosecution for rebellion and embezzlement. In the following days, all the prosecuted leaders will follow suit, except Toni Comín and Meritxell Serret, who are not named in the proceedings. VOX also submits an appeal against the decision not to prosecute Artur Mas and Neus Lloveras for crimes of rebellion.
2 April 2018
The National High Court’s Prosecutor’s Office begins to bring the CDRs under investigation
29 March 2018
28 March 2018
Those prosecuted for their involvement in the 1 October referendum submit an appeal
27 March 2018
26 March 2018
Jordi Sànchez asks Llarena to comply with the UN resolution on his political rights
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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