5 December 2019

A court in Huesca sends Lluís Puig and Santi Vila to trial in the Sixena Case


Huesca Investigating Court no. 3 sends former Culture Ministers of the Government of Catalonia to trial, for not having followed or obstructed the court order of moving 44 artworks of the Lleida Museum, from the Monastery of Sixena. They stand accused for the crime of disobedience and, in the case of Vila, also of a crime of impersonation of a public officer. The artworks were finally plundered by the Guardia Civil, under the orders of the de facto Minister of Culture Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, via the application of Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution. Villanueva de Sijena City Council asks for 11 months in prison for Vila and a fine of 162,000 euros and 2 years and 9 months of disqualification. For Lluís Puig, it asks asks 66,000 euros fine and 2 years of disqualification. The Prosecutor’s Office asks for a fine of 5,940 euros for the two defendants. The Prosecutor’s Office also imposed a bail of 88,000 to Puig. In 2022, the Court will refer the case to the Spanish Supreme Court after Puig becomes MP of the Parliament of Catalonia, given his status as MP. The Supreme Court will refer the case to the High Court of Justice of Catalonia and the latter will confirm its jurisdiction to try him and the jurisdiction of an ordinary court in Barcelona. In February 2024, the High Court of Justice of Catalonia communicates the commencing of trial proceedings against both of them.

Post 729
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