14 February 2022

A Lleida court sets a date for the trial against the fireman assaulted by the Mossos d’Esquadra in a blocking of a road in Soses, that will end up acquitted


The Mossos d’Esquadra assaulted fireman Joan Domènech during the blocking of A-2 highway in Soses, organised by the CDR after Carles Puigdemont’s arrest in Germany. After that, the suit that Domènech had filed against the police was dismissed, but the report filed against him by the Mossos d’Esquadra succeeded. They reported him for damages, disobedience and resisting authority. Besides, the Generalitat de Catalunya was in the case as private prosecution, but it withdrew from the case in 2020. The trial is set for 8 June, but it is ultimately adjourned and a new date is set: 10 May 2023. The Prosecutor accuses him of a crime of serious disobedience and asks for 9 months in prison, disqualification, a fine and to pay for legal fees. Domènech will end up being acquitted in June 2023. The judgment will find that he neither disobeyed any agent nor attacked anyone and that the arm and foot moves that he made were merely defensive.

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