27 October 2021

Former vice-president of the Parliament Josep Costa is placed under arrest


The Mossos d’Esquadra arrest the former vice-president of the Bureau of the Parliament Josep Costa by order of the magistrate of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia Maria Eugènia Alegret, who is investigating the case against the former president of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, and two other former members of the Bureau for having allowed, in 2019, two votes to take place in the plenary session of parliament advocating the right to self-determination and rejecting the Monarchy. The arrest has been ordered due to Costa’s refusal to appear before the magistrate because he considers that he is not obliged to do so. After accepting his right not to testify, Costa is released. The former vice president requests the investigating magistrate be recused and appeals against his arrest, but the recusal will not be accepted and the appeals will be dismissed. On 29 November, Costa filed a complaint against Alegret for illegal arrest.

Post 985
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