The Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court unanimously endorses the decision of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies of 24 May 2019 to suspend Jordi Sànchez (July 21), Josep Rull and Jordi Turull (December 17) from their roles as deputies of Congress on the grounds that they are being prosecuted for the crime of rebellion. This decision, however, has not been ratified by a court of law. The Bureau of Congress also suspended Oriol Junqueras while that of the Senate suspended Raül Romeva. And although the Supreme Court ended up ruling out a conviction for rebellion due to lack of violence, keeping them on trial for this crime enabled them to be excluded from their public posts prior to the conviction.
7 August 2020
Belgian justice refuses to extradite Lluís Puig
22 July 2020
21 July 2020
The Constitutional Court endorses the suspension of the political prisoners from being members of the Congress of Deputies
19 July 2020
15 July 2020
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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