9 March 2021

The European Parliament lifts the immunity of Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí


The Plenary Session of the European Parliament votes in favor of lifting the immunity of Carles Puigdemont, Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí so that the European arrest warrants issued by the Supreme Court for their extradition can be executed. The petition receives 400 votes in favour, 248 against and 42 abstentions (the vote is secret). On the same day and following the refusal of the extradition of Lluís Puig by the Belgian judicial authorities, the examining magistrate of the 1 October referendum case, Pablo Llarena, raises a series of preliminary questions to the EU Court of Justice regarding the possibility that the country issued with the European Arrest Warrent reject these. According to the regulations of the CJEU, the fact that these questions have been raised should put a halt to the judicial proceedings, but Llarena has not clarified whether he is suspending them or not. For the time being, however, the proceeding regarding the European Arrest Warrent against Puigdemont and Comín in Belgium have not been reactivated.

Post 887
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