The High Court of Justice of Catalonia convicts the former members of the Bureau Lluís Corominas, Anna Simó, Ramona Barrufet and Lluís Guinó for the crime of disobedience to a sentence of one year and 8 months of disqualification and a fine of 30,000 euros for having allowed the plenary sessions of the 6 and 7 of September 2017, in which the referendum and legal transition bill were approved. They are therefore absolved of the crime of criminal organisation for which VOX had initially accused them. The former president of the CUP parliamentary group, Mireia Boya, was acquitted of all crimes. Corominas, Simó, Barrufet and Guinó will appeal the sentence before the Supreme Court, which means that it will not be valid until this process is concluded. On the other hand, the hearing in the Supreme Court of the case against the former member of the Bureau and member of Congress, Joan Josep Nuet, will be held in March 2021.
23 October 2020
The Supreme Court confirms arrest warrants against Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí
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Trapero and the head of the Mossos, acquitted
19 October 2020
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia convicts four former members of the Bureau of Parliament for allowing the plenary sessions of 6 and 7 of September to take place
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6 October 2020
A court in Barcelona acquits Tamara Carrasco
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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