20 October 2020

Trapero and the head of the Mossos, acquitted


The National High Court issues a verdict in the case against the head of the Mossos for his actions on 20 September and 1 October in 2017, and agrees to the acquittal of police major Josep Lluís Trapero, commissioner Teresa Laplana, the former director general of the police, Pere Soler and the former Secretary-General of the Interior, Cèsar Puig. The majority opinion of the court thus rejects the accusation issued by the Prosecutor’s Office, in which it demanded 10 years imprisonment for the crime of sedition, on the grounds that Trapero and the rest of the leadership were conspiring with the pro-independence leaders. One of the magistrates, Concepción Espejel, who was removed from the Gürtel Case due to her proximity to the PP, formulates a private vote in which she defends that the accused should have been convicted. The Prosecutor’s Office will not appeal against the sentence, so the acquittal will therefore remain final.

Post 831
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