The public bank of the Catalan Government agrees to endorse the 34 former Government members and officials from whom the Court of Auditors demands a joint bond of 5.4 million euros for the presumed accounting responsibility for the expenses incurred by the Catalan Government in its foreign affairs actions carried out between 2011 and 2017. These are, among others, Carles Puigdemont; Artur Mas; Oriol Junqueras; Andreu Mas-Colell; Raül Romeva; Francesc Homs; the former secretaries-general of the Presidency Joaquim Nin and Jordi Vilajoana; the former secretary-general of Foreign Affairs Aleix Villatoro; the former secretary-general of Diplocat Albert Royo; the former financial controllers Mireia Vidal and Rosa Vidal; and the former delegates of the Catalan Government in several different countries.
23 July 2021
22 July 2021
21 July 2021
The ICF approves endorsing the government officials affected by the persecution of the Court of Auditors during the foreign affairs carried out by the Catalan Government between 2011 and 2017
19 July 2021
15 July 2021
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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