The National High Courtexamining judge in the case of Tamara and Adrià Carrasco, recognises the non-existence of any fact constituting a crime of terrorism, sedition or rebellion and refers their case to the Catalan Examining Magistrate’s courts, which are competent to instruct a case for an alleged crime of public disturbance. However, Tamara’s ban on leaving her municipality, which has been in force since 12 April, is maintained. An examining magistrate’s court in Barcelona and another in Gavà do not agree on the jurisdiction to judge the case, since neither of them is considered, and finally the court in Barcelona raises a negative question of jurisdiction before the Provincial Court of Barcelona. Until the competent court for the case is decided, Carrasco cannot request these precautionary measures to be lifted, so she is obliged to remain in her municipality. The case of Adrià Carrasco, exiled in Belgium since the attempted arrest on the same day as Tamara Carrasco, is referred to the Granollers court.
12 November 2018
9 November 2018
Electoral crime complaint against former ANC leader in Tàrrega is dismissed
7 November 2018
The National High Court recognises the non-existence of terrorism in the cases of Tamara and Adrià Carrasco
6 November 2018
The European Court of Human Rights declares that Arnaldo Otegi’s right to a fair trial was denied
6 November 2018
The National High Court dismisses appeals by Cuixart and Sánchez against preventive detention
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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