Comín, Serret, and Puig, who had already made themselves available to Belgian justice after judge Llarena reactivated the European Arrest Warrant, give evidence before an examining judge in Brussels. The judge decides to release them while he makes a decision on the European Arrest Warrant.
7 April 2018
Jordi Sànchez makes another attempt to be invested as president of the Government of Catalonia
6 April 2018
The investigation into the mayors who supported the 1 October referendum continues
5 April 2018
The politicians exiled in Belgium give evidence before a judge in Brussels
4 April 2018
2 April 2018
The National High Court’s Prosecutor’s Office begins to bring the CDRs under investigation
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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