14 December 2020

The Prosecutor’s Office defends the legality of the surveillance carried out within the framework of the Volhov operation despite having opposed it during the investigation


Despite the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office having objected as many as three times to the phone tapping (for which some of the defendants sought annulment) as well as the installation of geolocation devices in the cars of former minister of theCDC, David Madí, former minister of the ERC, Xavier Vendrell and president of the ProSeleccions Catalanes Platform, Xavier Vinyals, following the appeal lodged by those affected before the Provincial Court of Barcelona, the Prosecutor’s Office reversed its position and defended that the measures taken by the examining magistrate were sufficiently justified and did not violate fundamental rights. In February 2021, the same court dismissed the appeal lodged by Madí and the other defendants on the grounds that judge Aguirre had ‘sufficient reason’ to approve the investigation.

Post 851
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