The Prosecutor’s Office requests this penalty and that he stays two hundred meters away, for two years, from the Via Laietana police station for a crime of public disturbance. Carles de Sants was arrested on 20 February 2021 in Plaça Universitat when he was returning from one of the demonstrations against the imprisonment of Pablo Hasél. He is accused of having built barricades on Via Laietana, despite the fact that he assures that he did not go to that street on the day of the demonstration. After his arrest and spending a night at Les Corts police station, he was put in pre-trial detainment due to the risk of criminal recidivism, but he was released a few days later. The judge who ordered pre-trial detainment against Carles de Sants, María Pilar Rovira del Canto, is the same one who authorised a Falange demonstration against the Arenys de Munt consultation and ordered the search of Can Vies. Carles de Sants will be tried on 16 May 2023 before Barcelona Provincial Court.
31 May 2022
The Supreme Court confirms the acquittal of Tamara Carrasco
31 May 2022
26 May 2022
The Prosecutor’s Office requests three and a half years in prison for Carles de Sants, who was arrested during the protests against the imprisonment of Pablo Hasél
24 May 2022
20 May 2022
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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