30 July 2021

The Provincial Court of Barcelona sentences Pol Serena to one year in prison for his participation in the general strike against the trial of the independence process


The activist from Mataró and member of Jovent Republicà is sentenced to one year in prison and a 200 euro fine for having thrown, according to him, two empty plastic bottles against the police line of the Mossos d’Esquadra and for having stepped onto the train tracks to, ‘in an organised manner, (…) attack the public peace’ during the strike called for by the Intersyndical-CSC. The Prosecutor’s Office also accused him of having thrown ‘all kinds of objects’ such as ‘two cans of beer and a bottle of water’ at the officers. Serena believes that the sentence has been orchestrated by the police, carried out ‘without evidence, shame or common sense.’ The Prosecutor’s Office requested he spend 8 years in prison for crimes of public disturbance, causing injuries and attacking the authority. The other accused party, Alejandro Luther, was acquitted because the Mossos declared, by the end of the trial, that they could not identify him as having been present during the events, and his participation in the demonstration could therefore not be proven. The Prosecutor’s Office eventually withdrew the accusation after having asked he be sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Post 960
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