25 April 2022

The Provincial Court of Lleida partially overturns the dismissal of the case investigating the 1 October police violence at the Mariola civic centre, specifically in relation to Enric Sirvent


The Examining Magistrate’s Court no. 4 of Lleida had twice ordered the case to be thrown out, and the Provincial Court had objected. Now it agrees to continue the proceedings against the specific National Police officer who reportedly attacked Enric Sirvent and has been charged with causing injuries. Sirvent was kicked in the genitals and then suffered cardiorespiratory arrest. However, the dismissal of the case against the other three officers is confirmed, and the charges of crimes against moral integrity and failure to provide assistance are dropped. In October, Òmnium Cultural, the private prosecution in the case, calls for three years in prison for the officer on the charge of causing injuries with the aggravating factors of ideological motives and abusing public office. On March 2023, the agent that allegedly assaulted Sirvent is sent to trial.

Post 1044
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