The three young men stood accused of pubic disorders, assaulting the authority and injuries. The Prosecutor’s Office requested five years in prison for the two former and five and nine years for the latter. USPAC union, private prosecution of the agent, requested eight years in prison for one of them. The Catalan government withdrew themselves from the case. The events took place during the third 1 October Catalan independence referendum anniversary, in 2020, after a demonstration organised by the CDR. According to the accusation, the Prosecutor’s Office and the agent’s private prosecution, the young men would have built barricades and would have thrown stones to anti-riots vehicles, without having caused major damages. The judgment acquits them of the crime of public disorders, as it is not proven that they had built barricades and burnt dumpsters. They are sentenced, however, for the crime of assaulting the authority, for having thrown stones to a police van with agents inside. One of them will have to serve six more months in prison, pay a fine of 1.080 euros and 7.647 euros in damages to a mosso. According to the judgment, one of the convicted would have tackled the agent, when trying to avoid his arrest. The agent fell, broke his fibula, injured his ankle and got surgery for that.
14 July 2023
12 July 2023
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia rules that three schools must do their courses in Spanish
8 July 2023
Barcelona Provincial Court sentences three independentists to three years in prison for their participation in the third anniversary of the 1 October Catalan independence referendum
5 July 2023
27 June 2023
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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