23 November 2023

Two of three young men arrested for their participation in the protests against the 1 October independence referendum ruling


The events would have taken place on 18 October 2019, during the protests against the 1 October independence ruling in Urquinaona and Via Laietana. Barcelona Provincial Court sentences Oleksandr, who lives in Arenys de Mar, to 7 years and a half in prison and damages for the crimes of attack against the authority and bodily harm, for having thrown fireworks and having caused hearing injuries to two agents of the Spanish police. The firework has neither been found nor defined in the trial. The Court sentences Francesc Colomines, that was also in pre-trial detention, to 1 year in prison to a fine for a minor crime of bodily harm and does not sentence him for the crime of public disorder that the Prosecutor’s Office requested. Finally, Èrik is acquitted because it could not proven that he attacked anyone.    

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